Cliff Notes
Shantelle vulnerably shares her experience through her entrepreneurial journey thus far. Frances Roy Agency is soon celebrating five years in business, and to honor the milestone, Shantelle discusses 5 of the biggest lessons she’s learned along the way. Some are snippets you’ve heard us say time and time before on the podcast, and some are revelations she had more recently. Listen to the full episode to learn the five biggest lessons she’s learned in owning a creative agency over the last five years.
More in this Episode
If you’ve been a long-time listener of the Hello Frances Podcast, you may remember when Shantelle shared four lessons last year when we celebrated four years in business. If you missed that one, listen here and discover what lessons have evolved and which ones still stand moving into year six! Thank you, as always, for listening to the Hello Frances Podcast. We look forward to many more years of business, and we can’t wait to chat with you again next week!