Change is inevitable, and all businesses are subject to it – whether new technology, products, services, employees, or clients. A workplace culture that provides the foundation for adapting to change is crucial. If you want your team to feel comfortable embracing change, there are a few ways that you can create a workplace culture to support them. We’ve done the research and have found three key ways to encourage embracing change in your workplace.
Promote Employee Engagement
Promote employee engagement by asking for feedback. Asking for input shows your team members that their opinions matter and gives you a chance to look at situations from their perspective. Receiving feedback also fosters a culture of transparency within your team, which is crucial to maintaining a healthy workplace. In addition, make your employees a part of the process when a change occurs. This will encourage employee engagement and make them feel like you are being transparent, inclusive, and honest. Let your team know ahead of time that change will happen, explain the reason behind it, and ask for their input.
Lead by Example
As a leader, be open to change and model that openness to your employees. If you appear hesitant to accept new technology or strategy, your employees may follow your example and push back on the change. Model flexibility, open-mindedness, and strategic thinking; employees will feel more comfortable throughout the transition.
Support Your Team
Maintain a sense of community with your team by ensuring that your employees know and align with your business’ values. A two-way street of trust between your employees and your company’s leadership creates a foundation for accepting change in your workplace. Mistakes and failures are inevitable when implementing change; therefore you want to make sure your employees feel safe to try something new without being reprimanded. Reward employees for thinking outside the box, even if they fail, so they are not hesitant to try new ways of doing things. Solid training also makes a big difference when transitioning to something new. When you support your team, you give your employees the tools they need to adapt to change and thrive in the new environment.
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