Kelsey Doar is our Social Media Strategist and all-around rock star. She is from Louisiana and attended LSU, majoring in mass communication with an emphasis in public relations. Kelsey moved to Florida in 2016 with hospitality and tourism experience under her belt. She saw a Frances Roy Agency post on Facebook and — in true social media strategy fashion — audited our profiles and website. She says, "After looking through these platforms, I knew that Frances Roy was a place I would love to work. I reached out to Shantelle, we met for coffee, and we immediately clicked! I started working for the agency not long after and have enjoyed every moment since."
When working with clients that are hoping to step up their social media game, Kelsey draws from several sources of inspiration. She says, "I look for companies or people that are excelling. I like to see what is working for others. For example, for events specifically, the best way to do research on what works and what doesn't is to attend events. Whether it's our clients or not, attending events that have similar audiences as our clients helps me learn what works in our market."
Her favorite project to work on so far has been the 24 Hours of Creativity for Change that the agency conducted in December 2017. Everyone in the agency donated time for a 24-hour period to give local nonprofits marketing services free of charge. "This project highlighted the agency's values and showed their commitment to our community. It's truly humbling to work for a company that sticks so closely to their values, while helping others whenever possible," she says.
When asked about how people who are interested in social media strategy should get started, Kelsey says, "One of the agency's guiding principles is 'take chances,' and honestly I believe that the best way to learn a new skill is to dive in head first."
"I love the people. As a marketing agency, Frances Roy is always ahead of the curve within the industry. The job is challenging, and it pushes me to dive deeper. The Agency's commitment to providing the very best for their clients is truly inspiring," she adds.
Check out a few of our amazing clients below that Kelsey works to develop strategies for!
Salt Water Vacations Facebook
The Inn at Crystal Beach Facebook
Salt Water Vacations Instagram